Home » Indoor Plants UAE: Making a House Feel Like Home

Indoor Plants UAE: Making a House Feel Like Home

by Plantale
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Indoor Plants UAE

If you’re reading this, chances are that you live in an apartment or a villa with no outdoor space. It can be challenging to find ways to stay healthy and happy in these circumstances. Fortunately, indoor plants Uae are the perfect solution for people who don’t have green spaces readily available. They’re also ideal for people who travel frequently and struggle to keep plants healthy while they’re away from home.

These plants don’t just look great, but they make your home feel like a home. Not only do they provide natural beauty, but they offer benefits like better air quality and stress relief. Here is a list of indoor plants Uae that will bring new life to your living space…

Marimo Moss Ball

If you’re not a green thumb type of person and still want to bring some natural life into your home, this is the plant for you. Marimo are moss balls that are extremely easy to care for. They require very little water, so you don’t need to worry about over-watering or killing them. Marimo also don’t need sunlight, so you can keep them in a cool, dark corner of your home.

You can even put them in a vase of water by your bedside table to bring a touch of natural life to your sleeping space. Plus, marimo are also super cute, round balls of green that make for a lovely decorative item. They come in a variety of colours and sizes, so you can find one that will fit in with your home decor no matter what it is!


Snake Plant

The snake plant is a super easy-to-grow plant that requires very little water and no fertilizer. Plus, it will thrive in just about any indoor setting. You can keep this plant on your desk, table, or even in a window. It also makes a great gift for anyone who is new to keeping indoor plants.

They come in a wide variety of colours and sizes, so there is sure to be a plant out there for everyone. If you’ve struggled in the past with keeping plants alive, you can rest assured that the snake plant will thrive in your home, even if you forget to water it every once in a while. These plants are practically self-sufficient and don’t require much attention. If you want a decorative plant that requires minimal effort, this is the one for you!

Jade plant

Jade plants are one of the most popular and easy-to-grow indoor plants. You can keep them in a variety of containers, including decorative clay pots and terracotta pots. You can even keep them in a decorative basket if you’re looking for something a little different. Jade plants come in a wide array of colours, including pink, white, blue, and green.

You can even find variegated varieties that are speckled with different colours. If you’re looking for a plant that thrives in low-light conditions, the jade plant is perfect for you! You can keep this plant in a dim corner of your home and it will be just as happy as if you put it in a sunny spot. Jade plants also don’t require much watering, so you don’t need to worry about over-watering and killing it!

Rubber Tree (aka Indian rubber tree)

The rubber tree is a unique-looking plant that can add some bright colour and interest to your home decor. The leaves come in a variety of bright colours, including pink, red, and purple, so you can find one that fits in with your colour scheme. The rubber tree also grows into a very tall plant with lots of leaves, so you will have plenty of natural beauty even after the flowers have faded.

This plant is not for people with very little indoor space. It can grow up to 10 feet tall and will need a large container and plenty of space to grow. The rubber tree also requires a lot of sunlight. However, if you have a sunnier spot where it can grow, the rubber tree is a beautiful option for indoor landscaping!

Snake’s-mouth Orchid

If you love the look of orchids but don’t have the right conditions for them at home, the snake’s-mouth orchid is a great alternative. It has an exotic look and comes in a variety of colours, including purple, pink, and white. The snake’s-mouth orchid is a tropical plant that needs high humidity and lots of water.

You can keep it in a decorative pot or put it in a large, decorative bowl. This plant is not for people who are impatient, as it takes a long time to bloom. You will probably see your first flower after about a year or two. If you like the idea of having an exotic orchid without the high care requirements, this is a great option for you!

Cordyline Plant (also known as the Ti Plant)

Cordyline plants are also known as Ti plants, and they come in a variety of beautiful colours. They also have beautiful, large leaves that make them a great plant for indoor landscaping. You can keep them in a decorative pot or use them to edge your table or desk. Plus, they also make a lovely gift for people who enjoy indoor gardening but don’t have the right conditions to grow many plants.

Ti plants do have to be kept in sunny rooms. If you don’t have a sunny spot in your home, you can use artificial light to keep your plant happy. However, it will need lots of light, almost as much as it would outdoors. If you want to keep your plant healthy, you’ll also need to water it regularly and feed it with a balanced fertilizer every once in a while.

However, it’s a low-maintenance plant compared to many other indoor plants. It also doesn’t have many pests, so you don’t have to worry about dealing with lots of mosquitoes or other bugs. If you like the look of a Ti plant without the high maintenance, this is a great option for you.

Dracaena (also known as the Dragon Tree)

The dragon tree is an exotic plant that will add an interesting look to any room of your home. It comes in a variety of colours, including green, red, and pink. The dragon tree is also a very large plant, so if you want to keep it on your table, you may want to invest in a large, decorative table as well! If you want to keep your dragon tree in a decorative pot, you may want to buy a very large pot, especially if you plan on growing your plant for many years.

Dragon trees thrive in bright, sunny rooms. If you don’t have a spot where it can get lots of sunlight, you can use artificial light to keep it happy. Although dragon trees are easy to care for, you will need to water them regularly and fertilize them occasionally. Although the dragon tree is a low-maintenance plant, you will need to repot it from time to time. However, it is a fairly easy plant to care for, which means you don’t have to worry about killing it!

Bamboo Shrub (AKA Running Bamboo)

If you want to grow bamboo indoors, you’ll need to grow a special variety called “running bamboo.” While it may sound scary, running bamboo is actually a very low-maintenance plant! You can keep it in a decorative pot or put it in the ground. Running bamboo will spread out and take over your home, but it’s a great way to add some natural style and greenery to your indoor space. Bamboo is a tropical plant, so it needs plenty of sunlight. You will also need to water it regularly.

However, it is a very low-maintenance plant that has few pests and requires very little fertilizer. If you like the look of bamboo but don’t have the time or energy to care for a large green plant, running bamboo is the perfect solution for you! Running bamboo is a great plant for people with limited gardening experience. It’s easy to grow and requires very little maintenance. You can use it to edge a table or line a walkway or patio. It’s also a great housewarming or welcome gift for anyone who has limited time for gardening.


Indoor plants can make a positive difference to your mood, health and even productivity at work! If you are feeling a little sad or stressed, try to remember that the solution


1-The psychological benefits of indoor plants: A critical review of the experimental literature


2-Bending efficiency through property gradients in bamboo, palm, and wood-based composites


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